Arctic Open Seminar
Online workshop "The development of sustainable cruise industry in the Pacific Arctic: Past developments and future prospects" In Cooperation with 12th J-ARC Net Open Seminar on December 8-9 in 2021 (Application Deadline:December 1)
8 December 2021, 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time)
9 December 2021, 14:00–17:50 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:50 (Moscow time)
Format: Online (via Zoom)
Organizer: J-ARC Net, HaRP, ArCSⅡ
Co-organizer: UArctic Thematic Network
Languages: English, Japanese, Russian (with simultaneous interpretation)
Dead line to register: via Google Forms by December 1.
Details and Programs:
Contacts in Japanese/English/Russian:
Masato Tanaka, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
Juha Saunavaara, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
Marina Lomaeva, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
(Please replace (at) with @.)
This workshop brings together researchers, public authorities, private companies, and NGOs interested in the economically, environmentally and socially sustainable and responsible cruise tourism in land and sea areas including Hokkaido, the Russian Far East and the Arctic, the Sea of Okhotsk, the North Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea.
The topics that are to be discussed range from the environmental protection, management and regulation to social license to operate, port and tourism-related infrastructure, economic feasibility, interregional cooperation and human resource development.
It is hoped that this event will act as a forum for both knowledge production and networking. In other words, it will consolidate the existing knowledge and experience, help to identify the key challenges and opportunities that are in need of further analysis and allow relevant actors from various countries to meet each other.
This workshop consists of the following. See the program for details.
Day 1: Sustainable tourism and environmental protection
8 December (Wed), 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time)
Day 2: Cruise industry, local communities, interregional cooperation, and human resource development
9 December (Thu), 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time)
9 December 2021, 14:00–17:50 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:50 (Moscow time)
Format: Online (via Zoom)
Organizer: J-ARC Net, HaRP, ArCSⅡ
Co-organizer: UArctic Thematic Network
Languages: English, Japanese, Russian (with simultaneous interpretation)
Dead line to register: via Google Forms by December 1.
Details and Programs:
Contacts in Japanese/English/Russian:
Masato Tanaka, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
Juha Saunavaara, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
Marina Lomaeva, Arctic Research Center, Hokkaodo University
(Please replace (at) with @.)
This workshop brings together researchers, public authorities, private companies, and NGOs interested in the economically, environmentally and socially sustainable and responsible cruise tourism in land and sea areas including Hokkaido, the Russian Far East and the Arctic, the Sea of Okhotsk, the North Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea.
The topics that are to be discussed range from the environmental protection, management and regulation to social license to operate, port and tourism-related infrastructure, economic feasibility, interregional cooperation and human resource development.
It is hoped that this event will act as a forum for both knowledge production and networking. In other words, it will consolidate the existing knowledge and experience, help to identify the key challenges and opportunities that are in need of further analysis and allow relevant actors from various countries to meet each other.
This workshop consists of the following. See the program for details.
Day 1: Sustainable tourism and environmental protection
8 December (Wed), 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time)
Day 2: Cruise industry, local communities, interregional cooperation, and human resource development
9 December (Thu), 14:00–17:00 (Japan time) / 8:00–11:00 (Moscow time)